A Senior Writes to Say How Thrilled She Is With Her Gift

Jane Nambuya, one of our sponsored seniors in the village of Seeta Namulangi wrote to her sponsor to share her gratitude for the items she was able to purchase because of the generous additional money they were able to send her.

Here is part of her letter to her UK friend:

“Dear Charlie

Warm greetings to you and I am praying that this letter finds you well.

I am writing to thank you for the extra gift that you sent me. I am glad to inform you that I used it to buy a new mattress because the one I had was so old. I also bought a blanket and a pair of bed sheets because I did not have at all.

I am really grateful for your love and care.

May God richly bless you.

I also remained with some money which I will use to buy a goat… I love rearing animals…

Again, I thank you and pray that God will reward you abundantly.

Your friend

Jane Nambuya”

If you would like to financially support a senior in Uganda, please donate today on our donation form, or contact us and we can assist if you’d like to arrange your payment via a different means.