Creator: Adrienne Shaw
Sabrina is an old woman who lives in Kalangalo village, a place far away deep in a rural community. Sabrina lives with four grandchildren in a house, which is so old, unsafe, and now a threat to their lives.
The house is full of cracks everywhere, with a weak roof, bricks getting off, poorly lighted with no windows and its foundations almost exposed. The house is beyond repair and might collapse at any time.
On a sad note, whenever it rains, Sabrina runs to a pit latrine constructed for her by ROTOM and she calls this a safe place. She stays in the pit latrine until when the rains have stopped.
Not knowing that the latrine may cause health problems into her life. Her four grandchildren suffer the same too.
Housing Need:
1.5 billion People in our world live in inadequate housing or no housing at all. That is about 20% of all mankind. Housing changes everything for a family living in poverty. The annual need for new housing for Uganda is estimated at 200,000 housing units resulting from the population growth of 3.2%. The estimated construction rate is at 60,000 housing units with a deficit of 140,000 houses nationally and a backlog of 1.6 million housing units. This puts housing as one of the largest problems in Uganda
Importance of housing:
Adequate housing impacts every aspect of life: improves the seniors’ health, provides a secure place to bring up grandchildren, reduces crimes against women, children and property, strengthens the community as everyone will always love to meet and visit you in a proper house, offers dignity and above all transforms the families’ opportunities.
Therefore, we believe that if we build a house for this poor woman, it will put a long-term impact and will bring hope into her life.
Finances required; £2038
This will allow ROTOM to construct for senior Sabrina a decent house of one bedroom, a sitting room with a porch and a washroom.