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Over 20 Years of Transformational Impact

God has richly blessed us for the 20+ years of impact ROTOM has made for the seniors we’ve supported, made possible by our everyday heroes - our donors.

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Become A Friend to a ROTOM Senior!

Your support of just $38 per month connects a senior living in poverty with our loving and caring ROTOM Senior Friendship Program.

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Experience Our Journey for Change!

Join us in person on a trip to ROTOM Uganda and/or Ethiopia to see firsthand how your contributions are making a difference.

Grandpa and Grandson


Celebrating Care & Dignity for Older Persons

Over the years, ROTOM has grown from supporting 1 granny, Elizabeth and her 2 grandchildren, to supporting over 2,000 older persons and 600 children under their care. Our success and transformational impact have come from faithful friends and partners like YOU, who have helped us provide loving care to hundreds of vulnerable seniors and children.


Our Impact


"ROTOM has changed my life for the better. That's why I want to use my remaining strength to help others while I still can."

Senior Muhanga Moses

Make  A Contribution


Make A Contribution

Support ROTOM's work by donating today! Everyday, with the help of gracious friends like you, we are able to significantly care for hundreds of vulnerable older persons and children under their care.