About Us

History of ROTOM
In 2002, Edmund Kenneth Mugayehwenkyi was living and working in the USA; while his wife Miriam and their 4 boys waited to join him from their native country Uganda. During this time, Kenneth and Miriam sponsored two Ugandan girls (5 & 7 years) who were in the care of their elderly grandmother, Elizabeth. The girls’ parents having died, Elizabeth was alone in caring for her young vulnerable grandchildren. Government assistance for the elderly, such as social security, pensions, insurance, medical care, disability and other entitlement programs are not a priority in Uganda. Thus, older persons (seniors) are dependent on the previous generation to help meet their basic needs. However, in the aftermath of the HIV/AIDS crisis and numerous wars, many older persons find themselves caring for their grandchildren without the health and resources needed for either generation to thrive.
While visiting his family in Uganda and their sponsored children, Kenneth discovered that Elizabeth and her granddaughters were living in a dilapidated shack. A structure that appeared on the brink of collapse. He immediately sought to remedy their situation and within 2 weeks, Kenneth had gathered the resources and constructed a simple home for Elizabeth. Upon return to the states, Kenneth began to mobilize support from friends in Pennsylvania in order to help other grandmothers that he had met through his friendship with Elizabeth. He felt like his eyes had been opened to the dire situation of the elderly in Uganda and his heart burned to alleviate their distress. With help from friend, Gwen Kahler, Kenneth saw that God had changed his heart and he no longer felt compelled to bring his family to the US; but he felt called home to relieve the suffering of seniors in Uganda, whom the world seemed to have forgotten.
Thus, Kenneth with the support of his wife Miriam, launched Reach One Touch One Ministries in October of 2003.
The lives of older people that have been positively changed in Uganda
The lives of grandchildren that were positively changed in Uganda
Number of villages that were positively changed
Number of countries in which ROTOM is active
Working together, Miriam supported their family financially; while Kenneth commenced the relational investments needed to start the Reach One Touch One Ministries (ROTOM). He began with daily visits with Elizabeth, in a desire to learn her story and alleviate her pervasive loneliness. Through their relationship, Kenneth was soon introduced to several other senior ladies, affectionately called “Grannies,” who shared the same story of loss, pain, loneliness and poverty. Recognizing his own limitations amidst the depth of need, Kenneth asked Elizabeth if they could all meet at her home weekly to seek God’s guidance. This Weekly Seniors’ Fellowship as it became known, was a safe place to worship, pray, learn, encourage, and enjoy the camaraderie of others. It became so popular that attendees were reluctant to leave.
These senior adults offered Kenneth a glimpse into the challenges of raising grandchildren while struggling with aging bodies, poverty and loneliness in a place where geriatric care is not available. Kenneth reached out to friends and through their help, started providing meals at the fellowship and working to meet additional needs, as he was able. Kenneth learned that in order to continue these services, he would need to register Reach One Touch One Ministries as a legal entity. So, he approached long-time friend, Kenneth Kataryeba (Kenneth K) and others who willingly formed the first ROTOM board; making Kenneth K the first Board Chairman.
Then in April 2004, Reach One Touch One Ministries (ROTOM) was legally registered as an NGO in Uganda.

ROTOM'S First Senior

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