What We Do
- It is estimated that over 1 million older persons (seniors) in Uganda live in poverty, loneliness, isolation, and hopelessness.
- Older persons are among the poorest in Uganda, with 64% living on less than one US dollar per day.
- Due to conflict, illness, and death of the middle generation, the elderly are left to care for their grandchildren (under 18 years) alone.
- More than 500,000 orphans with HIV or AIDS in Uganda are under the care of their elderly grandparents.
- 56% of the elderly in Uganda suffer from physical disabilities and 39% have visual impairments with no medical system in place to aid them.
- Older persons are particularly vulnerable to ageism, give the fact that they are unable to defend themselves or get help due to barriers such as inability to; access information, seek for help, Isolation, neglects among others, which have for long put them in a very disadvantaged position.
- Government assistance for the elderly, such as social security, pensions, medical care, disability and other entitlement programs are not prioritized.
- There is no social system in place to look after children without parents.
- Many people who are close to seniors lack the education and means to provide them the support needed to thrive.
ROTOM seniors have many different stories related to how they became involved with ROTOM. Each story is unique and most carry a story of healing and restoration.
Our Strategic Objectives
- To promote Christian faith among older persons and those under their care.
- To improve health of older persons.
- To increase food security of older persons’ households.
- To support older persons to raise children under their care through education, health and spiritual nurture.
- To contribute towards the awareness of rights and needs of older persons.
ROTOM Senior Friendship Program

ROTOM Health Services
The ROTOM School

ROTOM Champions Project
Journey For Change

Make A Contribution
Support ROTOM’s work by donating Today! Everyday, with the help of gracious friends like you, we are able to significantly care for hundreds of vulnerable older persons and children under their care.