Through the ROTOM Senior Friendship Program, ROTOM is able to promote spiritual growth, health, food and income security of older persons and their households. Some of the activities done to achieve these are:
- Facilitation of regular fellowships (support group meetings)
- Home visitations
- Healthcare
- Nutrition education and provision of supplementary food for frail older persons.
- Hygiene and sanitation education and inspection
- Training older persons in simple agricultural technology
- Training in savings and managing income-generating activities (IGAs)
- Agricultural extension service – staff visit seniors and provide technical assistance and advice.
- Providing planting materials and basic farm tools
Twice a Month, our grandpas and grandmas get together in a small church or community center near where they live. ROTOM currently has 27 senior fellowshipping centers. And these fellowships, the grandmas and grandpas sing, dance, learn about Jesus, encourage each other, and together share a BIG nutritious meal.
For the majority of our seniors, this is the only day they get out of their homes. So they are always looking forward to their senior fellowships.
“It was amazing when we first walked into the little church. The Jjajjas (seniors) were all singing to us and dancing. They were so excite dto see us. Every one of them wanted to shake our hands or hug us. They tied scarves around our waists and wanted us to shake our hips like they do. It was so much fun! I have never seen that much joy and energy out of a group of elderly women and men before! Amazing!” Jay Hartwell.
The ROTOM Senior Friendship program offers;
- Regular updates about your senior, and gives you an opportunity to communicate to him/her through ROTOM.
- Throughout the year, we provide two formal updates and we facilitate informal communication between the senior and supporting friend.
- You'll receive letters from your senior sharing about how your support is improving their life, updates about your senior's home life, and any other information they would like to share with you.
- At the beginning of the year, you’ll receive an annual update and picture of your supported senior; sharing information relating to their health, Spiritual and emotional progress, food security, plus other additional information about your supported senior.
Several times a year, you’ll have the opportunity to send your senior a letter or a package/gift. It’s definitely not required, but it’s a great way for a senior to get to know you and learn more about your life and community.
If you’re sending a package, you may drop it at our head office in Namubiru, Mukono; or mail it to:
ROTOM Uganda | PO BOX 205, Mukono.
Note: Please remember to include your ROTOM Senior’s name and ID number.
We also have an opportunity for you to plan and visit your supported senior in the course of the year. So, if you are ever interested in meeting your senior, please let us know!