Your support of just Ugx 100,000 a month (Ugx 1,200,000 annually) connects a senior living in poverty with our loving and caring ROTOM Senior Friendship Program.
Your support makes it possible for a senior to:
- Receive free regular medical screening and treatment
- Health Education including Hygiene and Sanitation Inspection
- Participate in fellowship with fellow seniors in their villages. These fellowships provide spiritual, emotional and social support.
- Receive regular home visits from ROTOM Staff, volunteers and Field Assistants
- Learn skills that improve his/her life
- Access secure, safer and healthier housing
- Improve his/her food security
- Most important of all, your senior will have an opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ and be encouraged to develop a lifelong relationship with God.
When you support a ROTOM Senior, you get an opportunity to build a connection with a specific senior, and experience the work of ROTOM through their eyes!