Dreaming Without Limits at The ROTOM School.
The world that 9-year-old Parvin has often seen around her is one of poverty and limitations. But The ROTOM School is inspiring her to dream without limits. When a child is born in poverty, their entire world is what they see and experience. At the ROTOM School, we’ve seen this reality too often among many of our learners being raised by grandparents.
Interestingly though, we’ve also witnessed beautiful moments when our learners like Parvin share their limitless dreams and aspirations over time.
Parvin lives with her grandmother, great grandmother (90+ years) and cousin, Brenda. Her rural community has no job opportunities and her family mainly survives on subsistence farming and support from ROTOM. “My biggest dream is to see my granddaughters Parvin and Brenda achieving everything I never was able to,” said Parvin’s great grandmother, Roza.
After being abandoned by her mother and her father’s whereabouts unknown, Parvin was left in the care of her great grandmother at the age of four. Its where ROTOM found her and enrolled her in The ROTOM School.
While Parvin works hard at school and strives to be a good learner, she aspires to be a nurse one day so she can help sick people in her community. Her joy at being a part of The ROTOM School is evident in the way that she is eager to participate in class and help the younger learners.
When asked what she is most grateful for; her reply is “I am learning that there are many professions and things that I can do when I grow up. I love coming to The ROTOM School because I have teachers and friends who love and encourage me everyday, and I also get to do lots of fun things”. Parvin sums up her experience at The ROTOM School with a mere few words “I am very happy to be here!”
Friends, so many children living in the poorest and most excluded corners of the world are deprived of this simple word: POSSIBILITIES. They are deprived of the possibilities — they are denied the opportunity of becoming doctors, nurses, teachers, pilots, painters, photographers, chefs and so many other professions because they have no access to good quality education.
We can proudly say that The ROTOM School has now become a safe haven for many children like Parvin to dream of a different future, a new possibility.