Journey for Change Story: Cyndi Labrano

Cyndi Labrano was first introduced to ROTOM through a connection at Colorado Community Church in Aurora, Colorado. At church that Sunday, she and her friend were greeted by profiles of Waiting Seniors displayed on a table in the foyer. They discussed it together and each decided to choose to befriend and support a senior. Cyndi chose Milly Nantume, a grandmother in her late 60’s.

Not long afterward, the church hosted a mission trip to Uganda, with an opportunity to meet your senior friend. Cyndi immediately signed up. Cyndi recounts the feeling of being immensely honored by Milly’s humble invitation into her home and her simple kindness in hosting them. Cyndi believes her experience of visiting Milly is literally one of the highlights of her life. She lights up when talking about this trip and explains that it was really life changing.

That was 14 years ago. Cyndi is now married with twins. She has moved out of Colorado, and moved back again, changed jobs several times and during all this, she has kept in touch with her Ugandan friend, Milly.

They have shared stories of what is going on in their lives and details of their health. They have shared good news and hard news. Millie has had several grandchildren rotate through her home. She has gotten older and with that has come challenges. Through it all, Cyndi say’s her relationship with ROTOM and Millie have been a huge blessing in her life. She says it’s amazing to see how far a little help goes in the life of another person.

Cyndi really enjoys receiving the yearly updates which includes a current picture of Millie and goes over in detail how she is doing. Cyndi explains how over the years she has been able to see how her support has positively impacted Milly’s life. However, it’s not as easy to see the impact that Milly has had on Cyndi’s life without having a conversation. Yet, once that door is open, it is soon evident how this relationship has impacted Cyndi’s heart and influenced her choice to stay involved with ROTOM all these years.

The ROTOM senior friendship program is about more than facilitating a sponsorship; it’s about connecting hearts and lives that will impact each other for years to come. What is your ROTOM Friendship story? Would you be willing to share it with us? Just send us an email at [email protected] or give us a call at 888-540-3439.
We would love to hear from you!