Thank you for your interest in partnering with ROTOM to support vulnerable seniors in Uganda and Ethiopia.
We accept donations from around the world, but note: your gifts received in the US will be processed by ROTOM USA.
We can now accept gifts of publicly traded securities. If you wish to get more information please contact our office at 1-888-540-3439 or [email protected].
Are you interested in starting a new Senior Friendship? For just $38 a month, you can start making a difference in the life of a Ugandan or Ethiopian senior. Check our Waiting Seniors page or button below to see who needs you 🙂
Of if you would prefer, you can email our Program Coordinator at: [email protected] to get started on your journey to a life-changing friendship. Click below and let us know if you prefer a male or female from Ethiopia or Uganda.
Or are you interested in giving to one of our several impact funds? Click below and choose which fund is right for you.
These funds allow us to meet needs that are not covered in the monthly friendship sponsorship, but that many of us take for granted as essential to our daily lives. Click below and choose the impact fund where you want to donate.
Would you like to give a gift in memory of a loved one? Click below and be sure to specify who the gift is in memory of when making the gift.
If none of the above fit what you want to give, are you interested in giving to our USA partnership fund, a special campaign or a one time gift?
Click below and let us know how you want to make a difference.