UG Summer Newsletter: Celebrating 20 Years of Hope

This year marks 20 years of existence for ROTOM and we’d like to share our latest newsletter from the field of Uganda. Together with other grandmothers, ROTOM staff and friends, it was their mission back in 2013 to share the situation of older persons struggling in Uganda by walking nearly a month-long marathon. ROTOM supported senior Lydia Nzarubaha says of their journey,

“I took it upon myself to join this walk and speak out; say as much as I could, BE AS LOUD AS I COULD, speak and touch as many people as I could, about the needs of older persons!”

So, let’s continue this journey together, guided by compassion and a shared vision. With your support, we can create a future where older persons thrive, age with grace, and receive the care and dignity they deserve. Read the full newsletter by clicking each link story below!