5 Questions for Board Member Ben Beatty

Meet Ben Beatty Our Newest ROTOM Board Member

We are excited to provide introductions of our board members and their bios to our family of donors. Our board members are some of the brightest and most passionate working in ministry and charitable giving! We’re often motivated by what we’ve experienced on our own generosity journey’s. Ben Beatty, our newest Board Member, shares his story.

Who inspired you to become a ROTOM board member? And, what does your work in serving on the board with ROTOM mean to you and how has it helped you personally?

First let me start by saying, I am honored to serve alongside ROTOM. It was my dad, the chairman of the board for most of my childhood – serving over a decade, who was the inspiration for me to join the Board of Director. Because of RROTOM, it is the shining example of effective and heartfelt Christian ministry. It was inspiring to be able to go on a trip to Uganda, twice with ROTOM both in 2012 and also in 2014. My dad visited Uganda annually from 2002 to 2010; Kenneth is a friend and a mentor who I’ve known all of my life inspiring inspired me to apply for the open Board Member position. And, because of my relationship with the Mugayehwenkyi family, my experience serving the people of Uganda, I happily accepted the position.

Ben, what helped shape your beliefs about biblical generosity in ministry?
During my first trip we were all part of a senior fellowship worship time which really was an incremental moment for me. “It was watching people who were so poor, be joyful, and share genuine Christian Fellowship together.”

What’s something about you such as a fun fact that not many people may know (hobby/sport)?

When I was young, I went to a few immersive navy fighter pilot simulator summer camps so that I could prepare for what I thought was going my dream job. Instead, I’ve decided to take on the “World of Rock Climbing” and only 6 weeks ago I journeyed to Iceland with a group of good friends for a 10-day backpack adventure. It has been very inspiring for me!

What is your educational background and what is your current occupation? I recently graduated with a Bachelor’s of Arts in Community Development from Covenant College in Tennessee. I work as the manager at the local Lookout Mountain coffee shop – Canopy is the “cornerstone of our community” and I really love to connect with the folks around here.

We know that having the accessibility to our board members is very important. If you would like to reach out to Ben personally, please contact him at [email protected].