The JOY of Seniors Receiving Food 

Meet Benaletta Acupa – 72 Years Old

Acupa is a widow who lives mostly lives alone and other times, she lives with grandchildren – especially during their school break. Overall, Acupa originally had 11 children; 7 passed away and 4 are still living. She is grateful that her children have supported her with some of her food needs. However, over the past year post-COVID, they’re unable to support her because of unemployment and financial issues.

When our team heard about her situation, we reacted. She was so happy to receive a food package from ROTOM! The needs of our seniors are overwhelming at times. But starting one senior at a time, you can make a difference for a senior like Acupa and help them begin their journey toward healing.

“This food is going to feed me and my children in this time of Crisis. I was worried how we would survive this outbreak. But Now I can rest assured of our meals for the next couple of weeks,” Acupa says.

Food and care package

Meet Antoniyo Kilegeya – 71 Years Old

Antoniyo, who is believed to be in his late 70s, who immigrated from Tanzania immigrated to Uganda in the 1960s in search of work. He got a job on a subsistence farm and his employer gave him shelter on his farm where he has lived ever since. He lives by himself at the extreme end of his village, in a one roomed house which ROTOM built for him.

Desperate, afraid and barely scraping by, Antoniyo walks with a limp because of severe osteoarthritis of both his lower body, spine and brittle bones, which limits his mobility and the ability to do any work including growing food.

ROTOM field staff recently visited Antoniyo to deliver him a food and care package which included: corn flour, beans, a packet of salt, matchboxes, sugar and a bar of soap. Antoniyo said he couldn’t remember the last time he ate something else, except for the meal at the ROTOM Seniors’ fellowships! Praise the Lord he was able to eat this meal, graciously because of you.

The joy on his face was unexplainable upon receiving his meal! In his own words, Antoniyo says,

“I cannot wait to prepare my next meal. This food is going to help me so much in this great time of need. I had planted some beans but someone stole them from my garden. I was worried of how I would survive. But ROTOM has come to my rescue. I am so happy for the salt that you have brought. I love it but I cannot afford to buy it. My next meal is going to be so delicious. Thank you so much ROTOM for giving me food.”

We want to say a heartfelt thank you so much for the commitment that you share, each and every day by allowing our seniors to live a sustainable and healthy new life. May God Bless you!


Stephanie Matty & Dave Reed