Our Donor, Sue Weyland Shares Her “Why” Story

UG001-233 Aidah Mary Kanyomushana

Over the past year, we have been in a “collective” reminiscent place, highlighting donors who are compelled to share their stories with us about “Why” they began supporting ROTOM years ago. Here’s a recent testimony and story sent to us in September from Sue.

Suzanne “Sue” Weyland – US ROTOM Donor

Here is my story. Years ago my close friend Ginny White invited me to meet Kenneth and learn about Reach OneTouch One Ministries. I had been involved with missions in the past and active with my church mission committee and had developed my own theory of missions. I had several guidelines for what I considered was good mission agency.

My first Guideline Mission was it be run by native Christians (of that country). I was very impressed with ROTOM because it was started by Kenneth, a native Ugandan.

Second Guideline Mission was to keep in touch with it supporters and their supporters. I was and still am impressed by how ROTOM is run and knew my money was going to be well spent. ROTOM does an excellent job of keeping in contact with it supporters through the yearly report and letters from their Seniors and monthly emails form your three staff members. Other than that, I was drawn to ROTOM because it took care of elderly people and since I was elderly too, Smile 🙂

Thank you for letting me share my story with you.


Her senior, Aidah Mary Kanyomushana photographed above in Uganda.